Monday, December 17, 2012

Plans? What Plans? I threw those out the window...

Sometimes the plans we have set before us change and are outside our control or understanding. Not only does our own free will directs our lives, but the free will of others has an impact on us as well. But no mater what, God's plan for us still stands firm. I know from personal experience to keep pushing forward and not let anything or anyone take away opportunities for you to work in the talents and gifting's that God has given and called you to. 

I've had one serious relationship in my life which ended the day before Easter Sunday a number of years back, and I had to face that person and run their sound that Easter Sunday and every Sunday am & pm after that for more than 6 months or so after up until he quit coming altogether. It was the hardest and most uncomfortable thing I've ever had to do because of all the surrounding circumstances. But, I pressed in and focused on who God wanted me to be and found joy in thinking of the amazing things He was going to do with all my pain. I set aside one year from that Easter to let God work on my heart to heal it and grow closer, and that was the best year of my entire life. It was hard and I cried a lot, but I never lost sight of who God was and in turn He brought some amazing people in my life who are still with me (my pink tub gals). Then after that one year I moved to Texas to start the next phase of my divinely appointed journey. 

My life hasn't gone according to any plan that I has set out for myself; but I'm blessed beyond measure by friends and family and the doors that God has opened since that day, doors that may have never opened otherwise. One of those doors is leading worship, something that wasn't likely to happen had I stayed in Arkansas. I'm at a church that recognized something I saw in myself, but never had the courage to pursuit because I don't play an instrument and (i feel anyway) my stage presence sucks. God gave me a voice and it wasn't meant to hide in a choir or up in a sound booth. There is a passion, drive, push inside that is hard to contain for a reason. It's bursting to get out and do what it was purposed, crafted, EXPERTLY designed to do. 

I'm sharing my experience to testify that God is in control and His plans are bigger/better than anything we are able to see in that moment. I threw my plans out the window long ago, they were holding me back, and I encourage you to do the same, unless you want to end up in kitten jail like Leaver here....

This message was brought to you by Nanners via Proverbs 19:21
"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails."

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