Saturday, November 17, 2012


R.E.S.P.E.C.T. ... it's whatchoo want....

... God is speaking to me about the authorities in my life lately.  ughhh. I've been in 1st peter for about a month... just chewing on it.
    I thought that after I "grew up", got married, and became independent that I would be the authority... I guess in all honesty I didn't really THINK much about anything and just  brainlesly...subconciously expected that the time would come when all of these things: parents, teachers, bosses....presidents... would pass away...HA!   ...and I would become ...
... that worked out real well...

 The reality is that nothing has changed... except ... with the Lord's help, my perspective.

I still have teachers, Peter, Paul, John, ... JESUS... the heavenly father who EXPECTS  not requests ..that I obey.  I still have bosses, who, no matter how inept or unfair I may have occasion to think them, are still my bosses and it's my job to OBEY.  I have a husband who, out of love and kindness, tries not to demand...but the word says he is my authority he is my protection, my covering, and that I am to submit. HECK! I still have to respect my mother, when I come into her home to be with family and leave my dear mosby in the kitchen to calm her fear of dog pee catastrophy... even though he's trained.

     But what about me? Hmmm... that's the question I keep having to fight. I realized that this was the question behind the rebellion.
 It's not about me.
Do I squash MY desires for respect and love because I must do this for everyone else?
But I continue to obey even when I do not recieve the same in return. 
I trust the Lord that he is sufficient... and when I  feel disrespected ...which leads to feeling unloved... which leads to feeling worthless...I remember that he loves me when the people in this world do not know how to love me or respect me, because I am of GREAT worth to him.

So, when I picture myself with my supreme ruler tiara, and sceptor made of twizzlers and reses cups with my awesomely, epic queen outfit with matching shoes, perched atop the faces of my accusers and disrespectors, (? Is that even a word?)  ... when I picture this, and start brewing contempt in my heart...

I will ask forgiveness... I will remember the truth of the word... that the Lord is sufficient. And I will obey.
                                                                                                                              ~ Raur

1st Peter Ch. 2:17  
Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the King.

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