Monday, November 12, 2012

Good to the Last Drop


I has changed my life. It sounds funny to say that a little brown bean could do such a thing, but it has. Here follows is my love story with coffee.

I was about 21 when Starbucks came to my town. I felt like we were a fancy city or something. I never drank coffee before and even then preferred it diluted with milk and sugar and whatever delicious things could be added to drown the bitter taste.  I wasn't the only person who thought Starbucks was awesome, slowly but surely I'd show up on an evening with nothing to do and meet a friend. They would invite other friends who invited other friends. My friend circle began to grow.  I remember meeting Shorts for a moment at church but then again seeing her working at Starbucks, that's how we became friends. I'd come in, chat with her and she ended up being friends with all of us who walked in the door.

She made the best cup of coffee. As our friendship grew I would go stay the night with her only to be awakened by the PERFECT cup of coffee in the cutest pink mug. Hazelnut creamer. Makes my mouth water at the thought. She was able to blend it with the coffee to perfection. Not to sweet, not too bitter.  I liked her coffee the best. As we grew as friends sharing stories and tears, another friend came my way via Starbucks. She was a bright blue eyed girl. Always bubbly and exciting. I'll call her Danger. We talked about our futures and decided we should be roomies. 1 house later we moved in. We added Raur who, like the rest of my friends, seemed to have come by the way of those late night Starbucks hangouts. Then, came Hanner. Oh yes, Starbucks again.

Coffee changed my life forever and so did these friends. Still now, I feel strong emotions when I see someone holding a warm mug or smelling the bitter brew. I still like my coffee sweet but the friends I have are even sweeter. It's funny how small things can change our world. I would never have thought a coffee shop would have left such an impression on me. Who would have known that at that time I would have made the friends I have now. God is mysterious, and I think he like coffee. After all, it's good to the last drop.


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