Thursday, November 8, 2012


If My Life Had A Title: it would be PROTECTION

...and while we're on the subject of not being control, I have learned something else in this journey of protection. Protection is an effect of Grace. Sometimes I feel like God lets me "think" I am in control, for just a second -then after I mess it up completely He comes swooping in to save me. Grace isn't always pretty.
It doesn't always look like extra money in the bank, or a new relationship.
Sometimes it's feeling completley lost.
Sometimes it's a good over-dramatic moment collapsing on the floor (like a lady in an old black and white film.)
Sometimes it's a safe left turn.
Sometimes it's a song on the radio.
Sometimes it's a friend who doesn't know what's happening,
                  but is still there for you in your moment of need.
Sometimes it's a manicure and a glass of wine.
It's the tiny things in life that add up to a bigger purpose than ourselves...
Taking one day at a time.
One moment at a time.
Repeating "I need you Holy Spirit, right here and right now", and feeling a moment of strength to get you through the next moment.
Then repeating it again.
And again.
And again.

Sometimes Grace looks like a new path. Overgrown with no way of knowing whats on the other side. Nonetheless knowing that we are not in control; we can't mess it up. We can only continue blindly, but never alone. Always protected with Grace.

-rally cakes

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