Monday, January 7, 2013

Sticking Together

I miss my friends. 

Most of my best friends have moved. It's really starting to hit me. Then we started a group text and out of it came this blog. And then, I created this awesome mug and sent one to each of them. It's awesome. Every time I use it I feel closer to them. Friend come and go but there are those ones that will stick together.
These are my girls. We all have this sweet mug. And I love it.

We all lived in this one house with the ugliest pink tub ever. If i could go back I would have taken the time to enjoy every good and crazy moment instead of rushing towards the future. Something I need to learn, to enjoy the moment instead of hoping for the next or drowning it in TV.
I love you Pink Tub Ladies. :)
- Murrey

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