Saturday, November 3, 2012

Flashback to puppies

Puppies. Everyone loves them. Well most everyone. Especially Raur. We lived in a small white house with a pink tub that was old enough it still had pocket doors. You could hear everything. Technically my room was a hallway considering I had 2 doors. That's one thing this house had a lot of. Doors. Ok back to puppies. Raur loved them. I'm pretty sure she brought in 6 different ones in at different times. It was always fun, well till they pooped all over creation. And left butt worms on your sheets. (I'm going to let Hanner tell that story ;) After living with her (love you Raur!) I decided I would never ever ever want or get a puppy. Ever.

I live alone now after living with 9 of my friends at different times. I love it! No one elses messes to clean, no puppy poo on the floor. Well, I love it mostly. Sometimes I miss having room mates to come home to and chat about my day. I miss a happy puppy so eager to see me and kiss me and cuddle. Last week I decided I wanted one. (a puppy) I was serious. I started looking on Craig's List, Facebook and on shelter websites. I found a few I liked but I couldn't bring myself to do it. As cute as puppies are, they tie you down. You have to come home and let them out, you have to feed them and love on them and pay for shots. I'll be honest, as responsible as I am, I'm not ready for that. So I gave it up. The idea was so fun but alas I'll come home to my "Desperate Housewives" and wine. That being said I loved that ugly tub, and those cute puppies but right now it's good to just be taking care of me :)
xxo Murrey

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