Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sometimes it takes a village....but I prefer gasoline

This as been a tough season for me and for a lot of people I love dearly. Life never gets easier the older you get, just more complicated. But no mater how stressful things are, if we can get past those toughest moments, when we look back from the other side, it's amazing to see just how far we've come. 

Sometimes a controlled burn is needed to choke out the weeds and unwanted or invasive vegetation in order to allow room for the desirables to grow. I've come to learn, in the short time I've been here since I'm so young and stuff, that our hears and minds also sometimes need a "controlled burn" in order to wipe out negative thoughts, bitterness, frustration, fear, passivity...pretty much anything that will keep us from growing into exactly who and what God has called us to be, especially those really invasive things. The ones that bleed out into all areas of our lives and force us off the path God has purposed for us.

In case you haven't heard I LOVE to play with fire. Just ask my parents who, on more than one occasion when I was little, found evidence under my bed that I had been playing with matches. I was either really good at playing with matches, or God had his hand of protection on me because in hindsight that was about the easiest way to burn down a house! Below is a picture of a Hildreth fire where we burned all the weeds & tree limbs I had ripped out of the yard, along with some furniture and who knows what else. It turns out that gasoline not only makes for a spectacular show,  but it also melts styrofoam and isn't the safest accelerant to use when in the hands of the foolish, which got me thinking recently.....The Holy Spirit is like an accelerant and is foolproof. Sometimes there are things in our lives that we struggle with for so long, but just a little bit of the Holy Spirit can completely eradicate and burn them up so that those ashes can fertilize and enrich the soil for new growth. 

There is a time and a season for a Holy Spirit controlled burn, and that season starts any time you ask God to reveal those weak invasive areas, all you have to do is strike the match and ask the Holy Spirit to douse the flame. 


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