Thursday, February 14, 2013

Why be discontent when u can have strawberries & cherry coke?

First I'd like to start off by saying Happy Valentines Date! 

And no I didn't mistype, I meant it. February 14th, V-date: that one day of the year that only those with a "date" really get to celebrate and experience all its magicalness,while the rest of us spectate. Let's face it, many of those who aren't single also end up spectators for one reason or another. As a little kid Valentines day is right up there with Halloween and Christmas, you get lots of candy and presents!!?? And then as you get older, when your parents stop making you give that weird kid in the class a valentine, is right about when the reality of rejection sets in. Whether you 're the reject-or or the reject-ee, feelings get hurt. And so starts the vicious cycle of V-date, will or won't you have a valentine this year? 

Yesterday a dozen roses were delivered at my office to Rachel (my fantabulous coworker) from her doting hubby, awe...that's so sweet. Today I walked into the office and I did NOT have a dozen roses waiting for me, but who the heck cares. I have my trusty Cherry Coke and what do you know...a coworker brought in chocolate covered strawberries to share with everyone! The only thing better than a chocolate covered strawberry is a plain ripe strawberry, they have/always will be my all time fav edible anything. 

This is turning out to be a great day,  for me anyway, because then my manager stops by my desk with a little carnation flower and Rudy's breakfast taco .....are you kidding me? First dessert and now breakfast?? But more manager just went out and bought breakfast with his own money for all the ladies at the office, even though they aren't in his department, and he's never done that. So I start thinking.....what if, just maybe, we take back V-date and instead of it being a day to meditate on romantic love or a lack there of, we make Feb 14th, G-date, and celebrate God's pure, steady, unrelenting, and unconditional love instead? That we go out of our way to share His love with all those around us, to make them feel just as special as God makes us feel? Do me a favor, close your eyes and think about it, picture it in your mind, imagine yourself do just that, imagine others doing that for you, how would that make you feel? Now open your eyes and think about what your actual plans are today and compare the two.....which one is better? 

I am one of the many V-dateless today, but I'm not going to be discontent about it and it certainly doesn't mean I'm any less loved. Did I mention that today I unexpectedly got a strawberry, my fav, and that my manager did the unexpected and bought breakfast? God knows my heart and that I'm not one to dwell on what I don't have and instead take joy in all I do, and even-though I am content, God isn't. He wants much more for me, His plans are so much bigger, broader, He wants the unexpected for me. He's changed my day from V-dateless to G-datefull! And in doing so has stirred my heart and filled it with an unexpected love for others.  

Don't live discontent, live unexpected! Now if you excuse me, my Rudy's breakfast taco is getting cold. 


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